Infinite Monkey Theorem
Have you ever wondered how some people manage to finish their studies after failing over and over again? The reason isn't strong will nor perseverance. The reason is called Infinite Monkey Theorem, and it states that given an infinite amount of time, a monkey hitting random keys on a typewriter will eventually end up typing every book in the Bibliothèque nationale de France (or William Shakespeare's entire works, if you're british).
The mathematical proof is that considering each key hit as a statistically independent event, the chances of typing a specific text consisting of m characters, on a keyboard with 26 keys, are
The chances of not typing this text in any of the first n strings of m characters are:
As the equation shows, as n grows, X gets smaller, and as n approaches infinity, X approaches zero, and therefore, for an infinite number of strings typed (n), the probability of typing the specific text (1-X) is one.
Anyway, this theorem explains how LA Clippers win some games and how I can sometimes, on extremely rare occasions, come up with a barely decent piece of writing.